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S-713 – Special-Purpose Gears (API) launched for public review

IOGP-JIP33 has issued the S-713 Special-Purpose Gears (API) specification for public review. The consultation period runs for 4 weeks and will close on Tuesday, 2nd July 2024 at 23:00 GMT.

The purpose of the IOGP S-713 specification documents is to is to define a minimum common set of requirements for the procurement of special-purpose gears in accordance with API Standard 613, Sixth Edition, July 2021, Special-purpose Gears for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services, for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries.

The IOGP S-713 specification documents follow a common structure comprising a specification, also known as a technical requirements specification (TRS), a procurement data sheet (PDS), an information requirements specification (IRS) and a quality requirements specification (QRS). These four specification documents, together with the purchase order, define the overall technical specification for procurement.

Draft revisions of the specifications are made available on this site for a 4 week duration for public review and comment.

Please download and read the instructions for providing feedback. Download instructions.

Feedback is strongly preferred within the digital specification development tool Jama Connect to allow more efficient compilation and response to comments. Please email feedback@jip33.org for access to the tool including details of the specification you would like to comment on.

Operator staff should contact the SC representative to feed their comments back through their SME.
If returning comments via the digital tool is not possible, please download the document and mark up your comments. Submit the marked up file to 

** If you have problems downloading the specs, either open in Chrome or Microsoft Edge.  If this does not work, right click on the document ‘download’ you are trying to download, copy the link, paste in a new tab, and it should  download without any issues.

The closing date for comments is Tuesday, 2nd July 2024 at 23:00 GMT.

Name Jama Access Download document
S-713 – Supplementary Specification to API Standard 613 for Special-purpose Gears Jama Access Download
S-713 – Quality Requirements for Special-purpose Gears (API) Jama Access Download
S-713 – Information Requirements for Special-purpose Gears (API) ** Jama Access Download
S-713 – Procurement Data Sheet for Special-purpose Gears (API) ** Jama Access Download
S-713 – Supplementary Specification to API Standard 613 for Special-purpose Gears with Justifications Jama Access Download

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