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Contact Us

Joint Industry Programme 33:
Standardizing procurement specifications


Email: feedback@jip33.org

If you would like to have the most recent JIP33 presentation material for use in presentations, please email feedback@jip33.org

Level 14, City Tower
40 Basinghall Street
London EC2v 5DE
United Kingdom


IOGP Communications Office

Keep in touch with what’s happening on JIP33 by signing up to our Mailing List.  You’ll get automatic notifications when new draft specifications are launched for public review, user feedback review and are launched for publication. Each specification has a four to six week review period and we’d love to get your input.

We also welcome feedback from users on specifications already published, both their content and your experience of using them. You can  email us at feedback@jip33.org.  All feedback will be considered when the specification is updated.

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