What is the objective of the IOGP-JIP33 Program?
In 2014-2016, the business climate required an urgent improvement on capital project costs and schedule without compromising on safety.
Operators received feedback from service providers and suppliers, supporting their projects and operations, about company specific owner/operators’ requirements, which are supplemental to industry standards, driving undue diversity and thus adding unnecessary cost and schedule.
Despite working in different organisations worldwide, engineers are fundamentally trying to solve the same technical problems and manage the same risks, and thus their solutions should be similar.
JIP33 aims to remove transactional waste from engineering design through the supply chain, whilst still leaving room for technology development and innovation. It is a direct and effective way to harmonize specifications, allowing Equipment Manufacturers to sell the same products to different clients, and enabling Engineering Contractors to work more efficiently.
The objective of the JIP33 Program is to agree on a harmonised and minimised set of specifications for the procurement of equipment and packages for the oil and gas industry.
What are IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
IOGP-JIP33 specifications are specifications for the procurement of equipment and/or packages. They consist of 4 different documents: technical requirements, information requirements, quality requirements, and data sheets. They are mainly supplements to existing international standards, addressing the needs for oil & gas operators.
For which part of the business have IOGP-JIP33 procurement specifications been developed?
IOGP-JIP33 specifications have originally been developed with an upstream focus. However, the specifications can also be used for other facilities where applicable, like downstream or new energies. The intent is to have IOGP-JIP33 specifications which have sustained value and can also be used across energy businesses.
Is IOGP-JIP33 also looking at design specifications?
IOGP-JIP33 is focussing on procurement specifications. Within IOGP there are other initiatives looking at design specifications (e.g. offshore structures specifications – JIP35).
Some IOGP-JIP33 specifications include design and selection requirements to warrant long term reliability and integrity of the operations.
What is the role of suppliers and manufacturers in the development of IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
Suppliers and manufacturers are being invited to contribute at different phases in the specification development process, namely through ‘user feedback reviews’, and ‘supplier questionnaires’ as part of the framing, and through ‘public reviews’ and ‘townhall engagements’ on the draft specifications. For more information visit the Supplier Network – JIP33 (iogp-jip33.org).
The contribution from our external stakeholders helps us produce better specifications which will aid in adoption within the industry.
How are anti-competition and anti-trust laws enforced in IOGP-JIP33?
The IOGP-JIP33 work processes comply with the IOGP policies and procedures on UK anti-competition laws. Invitations to participate in the IOGP-JIP33 activities are always publicly announced. All draft documents are being made available for public review and commenting through the IOGP-JIP33 website.
What is the life cycle for reviewing a IOGP-JIP33 specification after publication?
In principle the IOGP-JIP33 maintenance process will follow the maintenance timeline of the underlying parent standards, which tends to be on a 5-year lifecycle.
For IOGP-JIP33 specifications that do not have a parent standard, IOGP intends to review the specifications at least every 5 years.
How can users share their feedback on the IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
The IOGP-JIP33 maintenance process starts with a public request for feedback on the specifications, on the IOGP-JIP33 website, or through social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter). This gives any user of the specifications opportunity to provide user feedback.
There are online solutions for people to feedback on specifications at any point, either through the feedback portal or through open peer reviews, which is a tab on each published specification in the Specification library – JIP33 (iogp-jip33.org)
How is IOGP-JIP33 interacting with Industry Code associations such as API, ISO, ASME etc, to incorporate some of these requirements in the industry codes?
IOGP-JIP33 has close collaboration with most of the major Standard Development Organisations (SDO). When the underlying parent standard, which a IOGP-JIP33 specification has been built on, is going through maintenance, IOGP-JIP33 will engage with the respective workgroup and make the content of the IOGP-JIP33 specification available for consideration. Whether the workgroup accepts IOGP-JIP33 content or not, is of course at the discretion of that specific SDO working group.
Are there any restrictions for Standard Development Organizations using the IOGP-JIP33 content?
Where relevant, IOGP-JIP33 will put contractual arrangements in place to make IOGP-JIP33 content available for the SDO to include into the underlying parent standard.
What are some of the challenges that the early adopters have experienced in implementing IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
The Lessons Learned from our sponsoring operators are incorporated in the Implementation Guide in the IOGP-JIP33 Specification Library – Specification library – Training & Guidelines – JIP33 (iogp-jip33.org).
Are you able to share any information regarding adoption through supplier feedback?
Suppliers have voiced the importance of using the IOGP-JIP33 specifications ‘as is’, without any modifications.
Are EPCs familiar with the JIP33 Program?
Major EPCs are part of EPC Forum and are interested in JIP33 adoption.
To ensure adoption is smooth, specify JIP33 in Basis of Design AND include in contract as early as possible down to the exact list of specifications per discipline/package. Ensure “clean use” of specifications, avoid unique/tailor-made designs, avoid or minimise overlays/underlays. Hold Contractors accountable for the clean use of JIP33 specifications.
How do you procure products that are out of the scope of IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
IOGP-JIP33 aims to cover ~80% of the use scope. Most companies put additional requirements in place to address the missing scope. The program considers scope expansions as part of the maintenance cycle of the IOGP-JIP33 specifications.
What benefits do the JIP33 specifications provide?
The objective to the IOGP-JIP33 is to lower cost and schedule of capital projects.
- Supplier case studies on IOGP-JIP33 specifications indicate real potential for cost and schedule benefits, provided the specifications are being used ‘as-is’ by many, without any additional changes
Testimonials from sponsoring operators also indicate a reduction in cost and engineering hours.

What is the medium/long term plan with regards to specifications and other IOGP-JIP33 work associated within the Energy Transition field?
The scope of existing IOGP-JIP33 specifications and the scope of new specifications are reviewed for applicability to low carbon and new energy applications.
What plans if any, do IOGP have to engage with Renewable Operators and get them involved with the development of IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
Participation in reviews of IOGP-JIP33 specifications are open to any organisation. Many of the IOGP-JIP33 sponsoring companies have an interest in new energy and/or are involved in new energy business with IOGP-JIP33 specifications being implemented.
What will IOGP-JIP33 look like in 5, 10 and 15 years from now?
The IOGP-JIP33 program has evolved since its first 5 years and the program will continuously review its objectives to stay relevant for the IOGP members and the broader industry.
What are your plans to engage with the broader industry to support and adopt IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
IOGP is focussing on external stakeholder engagement and outreach to increase awareness and adoption of IOGP-JIP33 specifications.
What if cost increases are determined when using IOGP-JIP33 specifications?
Cost reductions are not expected to happen overnight within the industry as it requires consistent use of IOGP-JIP33 specifications over time. Suppliers have indicated that any cost increases will be temporary until industry standardisation is wide scale in terms of procurement spend.
Why are there 4 levels of CAS in the QRS?
The 4 CAS levels conform to table C1 in ISO29001: 2020, which defines a generic conformity assessment matrix. The QRS video in the following link explains how to use this – Specification library – Training & Guidelines – JIP33 (iogp-jip33.org).
How does IOGP-JIP33 align with CFIHOS?
JIP33 aligns with the Capital Facilities Information Handover Specifications (CFIHOS) for document and data sheet elements.
There are active Task Groups identifying and addressing any gaps between IOGP-JIP33 and CFIHOS.