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S-719 water mist fire protection systems

Draft revisions of the specifications are made available on this site for a 4 week duration for public review and comment.

Please download and read the instructions for providing feedback. Download instructions.

Feedback is strongly preferred within the digital specification development tool Jama Connect to allow more efficient compilation and response to comments. Please email feedback@jip33.org for access to the tool.

If returning comments via the digital tool is not possible, please contact feedback@jip33.org and you will be provided with an excel template to record your comments.

The closing date for comments is 26th November.

Name Jama Acccess Download document
IOGP S-719    Supplementary Specification to NFPA 750 Standard on water mist fire protection systems Jama Access Download
IOGP S-719D    Data Sheet for water mist fire protection systems Jama Access Download
IOGP S-719L  Information Requirements for water mist fire protection systems Jama Access Download
IOGP S-719Q Quality Requirements for water mist fire protection systems Jama Access Download

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