JIP33 Subsea Manifold Valves Questionnaire
We have recently started development of a specification for subsea manifold valves and we believe that a supplier’s input will add significant value to this process and the aims of JIP33.
The scope for subsea manifold valves has been provisionally framed as an expansion of the existing JIP33 specification for subsea pipeline valves, IOGP S-708. and will follow the same structure as the S-708 subsea pipeline valves specification, covering design, design validation, materials, welding, quality control (NDE), assembly, FAT, coating/painting, marking and preparation for shipment requirements. The agreed format for final development is not yet concluded since it is necessary to start the specification development process to understand how best to present the requirements. The initial development activities will support the efforts of the task group to reach a conclusion of how the specification should be structured, i.e. expansion of IOGP S-708 or a standalone specification (for manifold valves only).
We invite you to complete the Subsea Manifold Valves Questionnaire which will support the task group in the development of the JIP33 specification. All information provided will be treated as confidential within the JIP33 programme and will not be shared with other external parties. The questionnaire should take approximately 10 mins to complete and will close on Friday, 17 September 2021 at 23:00 GMT.
Please note that MS forms does not allow you to save your progress in the interim.
We very much appreciate your feedback, and if you have any questions or if anything is not clear, please get in touch with us via feedback@jip33.org
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