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Industry leaders reaffirm top-level support for JIP33

Oil and gas industry leaders recently met in London to discuss the JIP33 programme, both the progress made so far and the road ahead.

They discussed first experiences of using the new standardized specifications, how companies can work together to adopt them, and feedback from suppliers on what needs to improve.

(Oil and gas industry leaders at the recent Executive Group meeting)

They also welcomed the growing engagement across the industry supply chain at the recent Industry Days and the first EPC contractors signing up to become JIP33 partners.

IOGP Executive Director Gordon Ballard comments:

“Support from industry leaders has been critical in progressing Phase 3 of JIP33. We’re already seeing great results but we need to keep the momentum going to realise the full benefits of standardized specifications – reduced costs, shorter delivery schedules and improved reliability, safety and quality. Thank you for helping us to make this happen through your continued leadership.”

About JIP33

Joint Industry Programme (JIP) 33  was launched in 2016 to develop standardized specifications.  They will enable the oil and gas industry supply chain to be better, cheaper and faster.  This will make the industry more competitive and a more attractive investment proposition.

14 specifications have already been published, and are delivering benefits for users on major projects.

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