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Joint Industry Programme 33:

Standardizing Procurement Specifications

Making a step-change improvement in the specification, procurement and delivery of equipment for the oil and gas industry, through the use of standardized industry procurement specifications.

JIP33 is already enabling the supply chain to reduce variation and become more efficient – providing significant value in both scheduling and capital cost control.

Specification Library

All JIP33 specifications are available for use by everyone. The more they are adopted, the more opportunities there are for efficiencies in our industry.

Specification Development

More JIP33 specifications are currently in development and will become available for public comment on our Specification Development page.

Get Involved

We need your input and involvement to develop JIP33 specifications that work for everyone and deliver real benefits for the whole oil and gas industry.

JIP33 Equipment Hub

This Hub operationalises the JIP33 specifications and JIP36 standard for the benefit of the Oil & Gas industry. The JIP33 GEH will allow manufacturers to share product information meeting the requirements of the JIP33 data sheets and using the JIP36 CFIHOS Reference Data Library (RD).

Supplier Network

JIP33 suppliers are a critical stakeholder for the whole industry to engage and maintain an efficient working relationship to deliver preferred outcomes, meet budget specifications, and create quality specifications that can be used by all parties within the industry.

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